Hon Shagaya Distributes Food Items As Palliative to Constituents

In his characteristic philanthropy and responsiveness to the plights of his constituents, Hon. Muktar Tolani Shagaya, the member representing Ilorin West/Asa Federal Constituency has distributed hundreds of bags of rice to the various youth assemblies, less privileged, physically challenged, widows and orphans in his constituency as palliatives to cushion the crunchy fangs of the economic hardship they are faced with that has devastating effects on our economy.
The lawmaker who had started reaching out to his constituents and selected youth joints specifically targeted the less privileged this time around, given their peculiar situations.
According to his Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Basheer Luqman, “the beneficiaries of the palliative who are drawn from the 29 electoral wards across the 2 local government areas comprising the Ilorin West and Asa Federal constituency, were picked without recourse to religious or party affiliations.
Distribution of the palliative had its first phase at Agaga Isale; Alanamu; Omoda; Ode Alausa; Popo Igbonna; Ode Oke; Idiofi Ojuekun; Oke Apomu; Masingba; Ode Babaita; Okolowo; Pakata; Agboba; Ajikobi; Isale OJA youth assemblies as other communities will be reached the following days.
The visibly elated downtown beneficiaries were full of praises to the lawmaker for remembering them at this difficult moment and prayed God to reward him according to His riches in glory.
Shagaya said regardless of his position as their representative in the National Assembly, it is his intrinsic characteristic to help anyone in need, and that if people that are physically strong could scramble for palliative because of the harsh economic reality in the country, it has become incumbent on him to reachout to both the physically challenged, widows, orphans and youth demography in his constituency.
